The Importance of Sustainability at Arrowtown Hair Co

The definition of “Sustainability” is the study of how natural systems function, remain diverse and produce everything they need for the ecology to remain in balance.

I think that we can all acknowledge the fact that humans, over the years, have used and taken resources to sustain our modern way of life.

I think many of us agree that we all need to change our way of living if we are to ensure that we have healthy communities, natural resources and clean air for the future.

Living sustainably is living in such a way that we reduce our individual impact on the earth's natural resources. We try to reduce our carbon footprint, by altering methods of transportation, diet and energy consumption.

Thankfully, people are realising how important it is to live more sustainably. As individuals, as businesses, and as families. It is very hard to live 100% sustainable in this day and age, we don’t need a few practicing sustainability perfectly, we need lots of folk starting off by making small changes and continuing to make more and more small changes to their lives.

In general, the hairdressing industry has not been known for its sustainable practices. We, as an industry, could do with making everyday practices in the salon more sustainable.

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Sustainability is important to Arrowtown Hair Co, because we realise that we need to look after our planet and resources a lot better, if we are going to leave a healthy and secure world for the future generations.

There are many ways that Arrowtown Hair Co makes a difference:

  • We send as little to the landfill as we possibly can. It’s pretty easy. We try to limit the things we buy in single use plastic. Plastic is fine, actually great because it is so hard wearing, it can literally last forever…..just reuse, over and over again. Make your own products to refill, find a place that can refill for you.

  • We recycle very carefully; it is generally unknown that one contaminated container can mean a whole load of recycling has to go to landfill. Wash all food items thoroughly before popping into the recycle bin, and then make sure it's in the correct recycle bin.

  • We use only natural cleaning products that we make in the salon. This is also easy, vinegar, water, essential oils to smell good. There’s a lot of recipes online for home cleaning products.

  • We use the colouring product ‘Paper not Foil' Which eliminates all need for tinfoil. Tinfoil literally takes hundreds of years to recompose…’Paper not Foil’ breaks down to a nontoxic dust in 18 months….brilliance!

  • The products we use on your hair, both to colour and to style, are eco-sustainable organic products containing fair trade ingredients.

  • We are (apparently) the only salon in the area that uses glass bottles.... Why aren’t more companies using glass nowadays? Or here’s a question….why can’t a professional turn their shampoos into a bar? I’m waiting patiently for that to happen

  • We also refill your shampoos and conditioners, with a 20% discount. Saving the planet and saving your money.

All these things… because we care! About your hair, and our planet!